I am a senior member of the NZ Association of Counsellors, with 30 years' experience in a range of counselling methods. I value the collegiality, ethical guidelines and shared wisdom of my peers.
After training in Client-Centred Counselling and Psychodramatic action methods, I undertook advanced training in Transactional Analysis, qualifying as a Certified Transactional Analyst (Clinical) in 1995; and finally as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in 2001. These qualifications are recognised internationally.
In a less formal way, I have been active all my life in the Anglican Church. I am committed to an open faith and respectful of many different spiritual pathways. I believe that all human beings are on a spiritual journey, which gives ultimate meaning to each person’s life.Add Content...
You may like to know a little about the way I work
Counselling/ therapy/ consultation
- After listening to your needs, I contract with you to strengthen your self-awareness and work towards your desired goals, eg raising self-trust, coaching communication, reducing stress, resolving grief, abuse or anger, finding meaning…. I do not tell you what to do, but encourage you to observe yourself and your situation from different perspectives, and to discover more options.
- I work with individuals and couples, using reflective listening, practical coaching, action, drawing, visualisation, dreamwork, according to what is useful. My theoretical approach is drawn mainly from Transactional Analysis and Jungian psychology. I also encourage you to pay attention to your dreams as a source of inner guidance.
- I offer individual consultations, or one-to-one counselling with a focus on dreamwork as a means of personal growth; or occasional supervision of dreamwork for practitioners.
My fee for counselling/therapy averages $80 per hour (including GST). We review progress at intervals, e.g. after 4 sessions.
Cancellations require at least 24 hours’ notice, to free the time-slot for others, or you are liable for the fee, except in the case of sudden illness.
Private information shared in the process of counselling is confidential, unless you give permission for me to use it elsewhere. Exceptions to this are (a) that I discuss aspects of my work with my own supervisor, who is also bound by confidentiality; (b) that I may break confidentiality, if I come to believe that you or someone else is at risk of harm from your actions, and needs protection.
I provide clinical supervision at $90 per hour, and pastoral supervision at $70 per hour, incl GST. I have been a member of NZAP’s Northern Region Supervisors’ Group since 1994.